Tuesday, March 21, 2006

About Ernesto Quezada

- November 1975, I was born in El Salvador, Central America under the star sign Scorpio (says a lot about my personality)

- 1994, when finished the secondary school (after 3 different schools), I started studying Civil Engenieering as my both parents did but after three-four years and two different universities, I quit.

- 1997, I had my first contact with the web, waiting for the 28.8 kbps modem to connect and going only to chat rooms as there was no much to do on the web... the first time I was asked for a nickname, the only thing in my mind was Bruno, a Dalmatian dog that was given to me by my good friend Karla, since then on the web I'm Bruno.

- 1998, after observing my sister's work (she is a great Graphic Designer), I decided to join the Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado, and study a Degree in Graphic Design as she did years before. The same year, Yahoo offered me my own website! well, using a template though...
To have my own design and avoid using a template I learnt HTML

- 1999, a copy of Flash 4 came into my hands, I installed it and started playing with the tool. My first movies were keyframed as I didn't even know about motion tween and stuff.

- 2000, I was using flash to do some presentations at the university, the teachers didn't know about it and were amazed.

- 2001, I found a job in a Digital Media Agency in my country as a Flash and Graphic Designer and joined FlashArgentina.com.ar, a Spanish speaking community of flash developers with less than 100 users at that time, soon I became moderator at its forums and later on, General Producer as I wrote lots of tutorials and put lots of examples to be downloaded. I was in love with Flash 5 and started using Dreamweaver 4.

- 2002, the year of the bigger change; an airplane dropped me in Europe, first in Spain, where I was traveling around the country for two months and then I was sent to the UK.
Just after Flash MX was released, I left my computer at home and couldn't get one for more than 8 months!
I did some games and experiments in another computer but the owner formated the hard drive without saving my files.

- 2003, I was freelancing from time to time and started with www.overloadstudios.co.uk, meantime I was working giving leaflets in Central London.

- 2004, I started working in a hotel first as Concierge and some months later as Night Manager and as it was very quiet, I could do some games and websites during that long nights...

- 2005 I started a Masters Degree in Digital Media and moved to work during the day, this time as Duty Manager. I left flashargentina and joined NeoFlashers.org, now I'm one of the administrators of that great Spanish speaking community of RIAs developers.
At the end of 2005 I quit my job in the hotel as it was not my field.

- 2006, working again in my field, as a Multimedia Designer-Developer in a very cool agency in Central London. I finished the Masters course and got graduated with Merits; the course leader told me my game had had the best mark ever seen in the course. In December, just after my graduation I started publishing some web widgets and playing with other tools to create desktop widgets as well and is what I'm doing as a hobby at the moment.

Ernesto Quezada - December 2006


Unknown said...

my lastnames also quezada i think its cool its yours too my dad was born and raised in el salvador!!

Unknown said...

it would be cool to talk to you my emails snuggle_bunneh@hotmail.com

Ernesto said...

Hi there,
for any strange reason, I'm not being notified when someone leaves a comment on this blog, so I'm sorry I haven't reply before.
Astronautje, to change the menu in the archive section I just upgrade my blogger account and selected the "son of moto" theme, so is the default way of showing the archive.
Hope it helps and I'm glad you are using the flash buttons :)


Unknown said...

Que historia tan interesante wei! no sabia lo de adonde venia "bruno" :P

ps eso wei, felicitaciones por como la llevas y sigas bien!

Sorry i can read english, but i can't write it in the rigth way.

Siren Silvana said...

Hey Ernesto, I've asked other people to send me an invite to wallop.com but seem to have been ignored, but I see you are actively inviting people if you wouldn't mind sending me an invite as well at sirensilvana@gmail.com, thanks so much!
Siren Silvana

..........El Armador de Sonetos. said...

Después de leer tu historia,
no me qeuda sino reconocerte
el gran esfuerzo que has puesto
en tu carrera...

FELICIDADES.. ojalá hubiera muchos
como tú en Latinoamerica..